Echolink Contact: ARS UA3DVC

Dec 17, 2016
By: Jerry A. Goodson
In: Amateur Radio

It's not uncommon to hear a station connect to the Atlanta Rabbits Amateur Radio Club Repeater ( via Echolink only to turn around and disconnect.  Such was not the case about 30 minutes ago.  I heard the announcement of a station connecting, and a call followed shortly after.  

ARS UA3DVCIn a heavy accent that was a little difficult for me to understand, I had about a five-minute QSO with Vitaly from Moscow.  

I was sitting here thinking about how I'm enjoying the 80 degree weather and dreading the incoming cold front that's supposed to bring temperatures down around the freezing mark.  

Then, Vitaly told me the weather he was experiencing:  ZERO degree weather (Fahrenheit!!!) with eighteen centimeters of snow on the ground (and still falling!) Of course, I'm glad I had Google handy because I had to covert his report of -18 Celsius.  

After exchanging signal and weather reports, I wished him Merry Christmas, and he disconnected from the repeater.  I looked him up on QRZ and logged the 2m VHF contact via Echolink for good measure.

*** UPDATE ***

Vitaly just emailed me his QSL Card:



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