
Sep 16, 2024
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

I've had my run-ins with with Army Leadership... and one of them was with a Division Command Sergeant Major!

Mar 1, 2024
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

Based on a true story. #YouCantMakeThisUp

Feb 23, 2024
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

On 22-FEB-2024, I caught a train from Flagstaff, Arizona to St. Louis, Missouri.  I had the neatest chance encounter.

Jan 7, 2024
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

In memory of my friend Harry, Ph.D, Major USAF (Retired).

Jan 6, 2024
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

I was sitting in the jump seat on the flight deck of a C-130.  "We're lined up to land on the taxiway.  I've always wanted to do that," said Major Bob Owens as we were on approach to land at Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base.

Dec 31, 2023
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

A random instagram video on facebook led me down a crazy rabbit hole!

Dec 26, 2023
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - Call or Text

Aug 7, 2023
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

I was sworn in as a deputy sheriff on August 7, 2023.

Aug 16, 2021
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

A little over a year and a half into this "pandemic" has caused more divisiveness than politics... because it became political.

Jan 29, 2020
Category: College
Posted by: admin

These are just notes from my Lifespan Development class.  These aren't general "Cliff's Notes" or test aids for any other class, but rather mine, specifically.

Dec 9, 2019
Category: Politics
Posted by: admin

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo isn't fit to wear a uniform.  He's not a cop, he's a politician!

Nov 1, 2019
Category: College
Posted by: admin

Undergrad is overrated. 

Aug 31, 2019
Category: General
Posted by: admin

#ThisGuy was #ThatGuy

Aug 20, 2019
Category: College
Posted by: admin

This is a new category on my blog... should be good for the next couple of years, at least.

Aug 15, 2019
Category: Society
Posted by: admin

Reason is destroyed without comprehension.

Aug 4, 2019
Category: Faith
Posted by: admin

Here's a little twist on a sermon illustration I heard as a child...

Aug 3, 2019
Category: Society
Posted by: admin

This is the very manifesto posted by Patrick Crusius before he went on his shooting rampage at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas.

Jun 1, 2019
Category: Politics
Posted by: admin

You won't find a cheaper plumber in Atlanta who will cost you a fortune serving Cass County, Texas!  

Apr 10, 2019
Category: Politics
Posted by: admin

Why does the MAGA hat offend so many people?  Well...

Dec 6, 2017
Category: Politics
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

Voters matter to elected officials... unless you live in Cameron County, Texas!  The voters were betrayed by the Commissioners Court, the Precinct 5 Justice Court judges, and Precinct 3 Constable Adrian Gonzalez.

Oct 5, 2017
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

As a cop, gun guy, and former soldier, I've reviewed the limited information released on the mass shooting in Las Vegas.  As odd as it is to say, I'm thankful all the things liberals "hate" about guns were employed in this attack.  Had they not, there would have been a lot more people killed.

Aug 4, 2017
Category: Faith
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

Exciting news about the Good News!  The Good News Singers, that is!
You can now download all five Good News Singers Albums here!  

Jul 24, 2017
Category: Amateur Radio
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

The American Radio Relay League recently announced the Federal Communications Commission is adding "the felony question" to the amateur radio license application.  Should the FCC evaluate a person's character based on their criminal history?

Mar 7, 2017
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

It's cheap, easy, and you may have already done it before, and not even known it!

Jan 27, 2017
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

Okay, keyboard warriors.  Here's your chance to prove you're not an idiot... (or confirm that you are!)  The challenge is simple:  any time you want to pipe up on social media saying someone should be arrested, write up a complaint and probable cause narrative to convince a judge to sign your arrest warrant.

Jan 23, 2017
Category: Community
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

I copied and pasted (with permission) this post a friend of mine made on social media a few days ago (Inauguration Day).  My friend is the author of the post, but for obvious reasons, shall remain nameless.  Read and be inspired.


Jan 23, 2017
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

Got this in my email...

Jan 8, 2017
Category: Amateur Radio
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

It seems bigotry is everywhere in society, so it should come as no surprise it's even in the amateur radio hobby. We're not talking about racial bigotry, we're talking about ham snobbery.

Jan 5, 2017
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

You won't believe what we found out about Mona!  This could prove to be Earth-shattering!!!

Dec 30, 2016
Category: Faith
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

I was invited to attend a couple of Wednesday night youth group meetings at a church when a friend of mine became the youth director. Those Wednesday nights became pretty regular, and then turned into Sunday mornings.

Dec 29, 2016
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

My birthday is the day after Christmas. I spent the day relaxing at my father-in-law's house in the Dallas area, watching my facebook feed blow up with birthday wishes, while writing about President Obama's betrayal of Israel and the American people. One of the wishes came from someone I befriended a couple of years ago, and while I wanted to finish the piece I was writing, I wanted to reach out to him.

Dec 28, 2016
Category: Politics
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

Trump's post-victory congratulatory phone call with Taiwan's President, Tsai Ing-wen, signaled his administration would revisit the terms of our relationship with China. In one despicable act, President Obama shifted priorities for Trump and his Secretary of State appointee, Rex Tillerson.

Dec 26, 2016
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

I recently went off on a tirade against Dan Rather for a post he made on his facebook page that didn’t set well with me. Rather made the call to his peers in journalism (as well as others) to participate in activism.

Dec 22, 2016
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

It didn’t take both operatives on both sides of the Domestic Cold War long to mobilize in retaliation or support of an exchange this morning between Ivanka Trump and a couple who were kicked off a JetBlue flight from Washington D.C. and San Francisco.  

Dec 21, 2016
Category: Amateur Radio
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

I thoroughly enjoy amateur radio.  A byproduct of that enjoyment was the development of fascination with NASA, the International Space Station, and outer space.  I still seek the holy grail of amateur radio contacts... a confirmed QSO with NA1SS.  To date, the best I've gotten was a response on Twitter from COL Doug Wheelock.

Dec 20, 2016
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS... those are just a few of the alphabet intelligence agencies we hear about reporting to the President of the United States.  But who works for us?  What happens when they get it wrong?

Dec 20, 2016
Category: General
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

GoFundMe.Com... the #1 online panhandling platform.  I've seen many noble uses to streamline giving money, and I've seen some self-serving or questionable deployments that leave me wondering if there's an element of fraud involved.  My GoFundMe is guaranteed 100% to be self-serving with no fraud!

Dec 17, 2016
Category: Politics
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

As we are just a little over a month away from Donald Trump's inauguration, First Lady Michelle Obama stirred quite the proverbial pot when, during an interview with Oprah Winfrey, stated, "See... now, we're feeling what 'not having hope' feels like."  

The political right exploded in outrage!  

It took almost no time for right wing political commentators to dig up her infamous quote from 2008 after Barack Obama became the DNC nominee:  "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country..."  

Metaphorically speaking, she strapped on a suicide bomber vest and handed the political right the detonator.

Dec 17, 2016
Category: Amateur Radio
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

It's not uncommon to hear a station connect to the Atlanta Rabbits Amateur Radio Club Repeater ( via Echolink only to turn around and disconnect.  Such was not the case about 30 minutes ago.  I heard the announcement of a station connecting, and a call followed shortly after.  

Dec 16, 2016
Category: Politics
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

Military action?  Trade wars?  Diplomatic resolution?  These were topics briefly discussed between me and a friend of mine in private message on social media.  Several hours after the conclusion of that conversation, an editorial video pops up titled, "Trump and China: What's at stake?" on  CNN Correspondent Matt Rivers addresses all the points highlighted in my private discussion.  It was almost as if he were commenting on our discussion.

Dec 15, 2016
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

In doing some background research for this piece, I suffered from disappointment at the gleeful opportunity to appear smarter than Albert Einstein in an erroneous quote that has been credited to him:  "Racism is a disease of white people."  The focus on this piece is to discredit that very quote.  Unfortunately for my ego, that's not what Einstein said.

Dec 13, 2016
Category: Society
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

I'm white.  I have used racial slurs.  I have laughed at racist jokes.  I am not a racist.

I'm not in denial.  I recognize racism exists in today's society, but the only group of people I believe myself to be better than are the small-minded individuals who have no qualms with branding me a racist solely on the first three statements of fact I have made in this article.  

Dec 12, 2016
Category: Politics
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

Taiwan is a country, and it's led by President Tsai Ing-wen.  There.  I said it.  Furthermore, I support it.  To hell with China.

Dec 11, 2016
Category: Faith
Posted by: Jerry A. Goodson

After the terrorists attacks on September 11,2001, a vast demand for tactical training swept the nation for those in the military, law enforcement, and even adept civilian marksmen.  Personally, I took a lot of that training.  Early instructors generally believed they didn't teach a way, but rather the way.  When competition began growing fierce, many instructors, who regularly cross-trained with other instructors, started putting their egos aside and realized all they had to offer to their students was another proverbial "tool in the toolbox."  In one class, the instructor popped off with a cliche that I have reflected on ever since...

Dec 11, 2016
Category: General
Posted by: admin

I'm Jerry A. Goodson.  Like everyone else, I make observations and form opinions.  This is where I'll put them.

Next page: About Me